Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (2025)

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (1)

Featured Game

This page Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea is featured as one of those special RPG Maker games.

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (2)

Mature Content Warning

This page Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea contains mature content intended for audiences over 18 years old which may be disturbing to some. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Content Warnings: Unsettling and disturbing imagery, explicit violence and gore including a scene of implied graphic sexual assault

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Seais a pseudo fantasy adventure game created byDeep-Sea Prisonerin late 2013.

A reboot of the game released in February 1, 2020. It features extra content not found in the original game as well as adjustments to gameplay.

Similar toThe Gray Garden, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea contains turn-based RPG combat, much of which result in a series of several endings upon both success and failure.


  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Endings
    • 2.1 Bad End 1 - Sea Monster
    • 2.2 Bad End 2 - Betrayal
    • 2.3 Normal End 1 - The Red Sea Witch
    • 2.4 Normal End 2 - The Blue Sea Witch
    • 2.5 True End
  • 3 Differences of the Original Version
  • 4 Reception


A clear blue sea under a beautiful blue sky.

After a long departure, the sea witch Wadanohara travels back home with her familiars.
But her ex-familiar, the shark Samekichi, appears to block her way:

"You shouldn't be here... Leave this sea, right now."

It follows the adventures of a young sea witch, named Wadanohara, who is narrating her story to you. While exploring islands with her three familiars, she encounters her ex-familiar, a shark boy named Samekichi, who tells her she should leave the sea forever. Things start to go downhill when war is declared on her ocean home by the Tosatsu Kingdom, led byPrincess Tosatsu, for reasons unknown. It's up to Wadanohara to use her magic to keep the invaders out. But amysterious traitoris among them — and the prime suspect is Samekichi.

After Wadanohara returns to the Blue Sea after a trip, and is greeted by the residents there. TheTotsusa Kingdom, however, is sending their soldiers over in attempt of invasion. Employees of the court have stated they would like to avoid invasion as much a possible. Wadanohara is sent with her familiars to fix the six blue orbs that connect into a barrier protecting the Blue Sea. Every time Wadanohara fixes a orb, she states that something feels odd, strange, or anything of the like. After fixing every orb, the Blue Sea has a banquet in celebration of it. During the banquet, Wadanohara goes to the surface, and then encountersLaurentia, a demon employed by the TotsusaKingdom. She breaks all the orbs, destroying the barrier, and allowingthe TotsusaKingdom to invade.

This is only the beginning. After making it through the invadingTotsusa Soldiers, Wadanohara and her familiars manage to make it to the throne room just asTotsusahimeis corneringUomihime. From there, the two girls are quick to make up, the whole issue being something Uomihime did not even do. Obviously, there is something afoot here. The second part of the game goes into this, showing a much darker enemy coming to rise against the Blue Sea with twists and turns most players are surprised by.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea follow.

Bad End 1 - Sea Monster[]

While on the Rocky Mount with Orca, he will battle Wadanohara, asking if it's true witch meat tastes very delicious.

As always, you have a choice of fleeing from battle with the “escape” option. To begin this ending, select it.Orca states her fleeing battle is a letdown before advancing upon her, asking how witches taste once again. Wadanohara tells him to stay away to no avail, then begin crying for help to Samekichi; Orca states he’s already dead, causing Wadanohara to begin to cry. Wadanohara begins begging to Orca, saying she doesn’t want “this”. She cries out a long “no” before noises of what sounds to be tearing flesh or something equally gruesome is heard.

A red screen shows up with Orca standing with a cigarette, a bloody arm of Wadanohara’s on theground beside him. Orca laughs and says “not too bad” before the screen pixelates out.

Bad End 2 - Betrayal[]

Toward the end of the game, while in the castle, Sal abducts Samekichi,and the player is given the option to rescue him or move on. If the player chooses to rescue him, they will head the way Sal went, leading to the second bad ending.

The player heads down a dark corridor. The screen turns black for a minute, and it is shown afterward that Dolphi and Memoca have been violently killed. Fukami's eyes turn red, and he proceeds to presumably disembowel Wadanohara.

After killing Wadanohara, Fukami comes to his senses, saying this isn't what he wanted. Sal appears, telling Fukami that he chose this path himself before welcoming him to the Red Sea.

Normal End 1 - The Red Sea Witch[]

Wadanohara findsSaland an injuredSamekichi.When the player talks to Samekichi, a cutscene starts. Sal gives Wadanohara an option to trust Sal to save the sea and Samekichi. In the first playthrough of this cutscene, the player is forced to choose this option, as "Trust Sal" is the only option available to the player.

Wadanohara will walk towards Sal, saying that she will trust him. Samekichi calls out to Wadanohara, which causes her to turn towards him,facing away from Sal. Sal takes this chance to knock Wadanohara to the ground. He then rapes her in front of Samekichi, while he pleads for Salto stop. After some time, Samekichi passes out due to his injuries, andthe screen goes black.

After a period of time, Samekichi wakes up to find that Wadanohara's attire has changed, along with her personality. Wadanohara says that Saltaught her the way the sea is supposed to be, and states she is happy.

Normal End 2 - The Blue Sea Witch[]

To get to this ending, one must have played The Red Sea Witch ending (the first Normal End) first.

Wadanohara findsSaland an injuredSamekichi.When the player talks to Samekichi, a cutscene starts. Sal gives Wadanohara an option to trust Sal to save the sea and Samekichi. In the second playthrough of this cutscene, the player will have the option to not trust Sal. If that option is chosen, Sal will attack Samekichi once more. After a moment, Wadanohara gets up and, with the power of her Father's staff, restores the sea, sacrificing her own life in the process. The final scene shows Samekichi regretting how he couldn't do anything and that a world without Wadanohara is worthless to him. In theend, Samekichi dives into the water. It is unknown if Samekichi commitssuicide but it is heavily implied, regarding his emotional state.

True End[]

To get to this ending, one must have played The Red Sea Witch ending (the first Normal End) and The Blue Sea Witch ending (the second Normal End) first.

Wadanohara findsSaland an injuredSamekichi.When the player talks to Samekichi, a cutscene starts. Sal gives Wadanohara an option to trust Sal to save the sea and Samekichi. In the third playthrough of this cutscene, the player will have the option to do nothing

If that option is chosen, Wadanohara will question Sal on why he did thethings he did. Sal will respond that they were both doing what they thought was right. Sal then quickly dashes forward and stabs Wadanohara through the chest with the Sacred Sword, before retreating into the trueSea of Death. Samekichi drinks some of Wadanohara's blood (which gives familiars great power), and begins to follows him in, telling Wadanoharathat he will find the sword and return the sea to normal, but Wadanohara warns him that he will be sealed away in the Sea of Death forever. Samekichi informs her that he doesn't care about the sea but only wishes to make her happy, before charging through the portal to the Sea of Death.

The ending sequence starts with the recovering Wadanohara going to the boat to be alone, where she admits her feelings for Samekichi and start blaming herself for his disappearance. Fukami then approaches her, and comforts her, telling her it's not her fault as Wadanohara cries into his arms. Shortly after, the postman approaches her, telling her he found her ocarina floating in the water and knew it was hers as he originally got it for Samekichi to give to her. Wadanohara then starts to play it, telling herself she'll stay strong and await Samekichi's return.

It then returns to the "Sea Witch" concluding the tale and inviting the listener (the player) to watch the full moon with her. They return to the surface, where under the full moon, Samekichi returns and embraces the Sea Witch, revealed to be Wadanohara as it fades to white.

Differences of the Original Version[]

This plot of the game remains unchanged for the original game, but added extra items and scenes.

  • 8 stories added to the bonus video section.
  • Complete rebalancing of all battles, as well as added attack patterns.
  • Unique animations for all weapons, aside from the initial equipment.
  • Additional animation to the title call.
  • Boss enemies given additional attacks.
  • Bosses will drop items related to themselves upon defeat.
  • Added dialogue and sprites to certain bad ends.
  • Watching all the endings is now possible from the Bonus Room.
  • You can now change outfits within the Bonus Room (pajamas, white sailor outfit, blue sailor outfit).
  • Other than that, a few other small guest appearances, etc….


This game has acclaim for the music, characters, and story, but minor criticism for the battlers. It considered as one of the most extraordinary story-driven games made with RPG Maker, especially an example of mature themed games.

Despite some criticism for one ending within implied scene of sexual assault (Sal rapes Wadanohara in front of Samekichi, but no scene are shown, only bloody images and text) and unsettling imagery due to Deep-Sea Prisoner's other games like Mogeko Castle.

The reboot of the game receives criticism due to DSP's lack of another underdeveloping games. Also receives acclaim for extra scenes and items.

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (2025)
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